I met this coffee-addict guy at work, extremely moody when he didn’t drink his coffee, and the funniest person ever when he had his morning coffee. To my surprise, he also had a healthy weight…
Was coffee the secret?
When a gallon of coffee is not enough. We get it.
How cool is that? Drinking coffee, feeling amazing, AND losing weight? It sounds like that 3 in 1 shampoo. More benefits in the same product. Believe it because it’s true. Coffee suppresses your appetite [ 1 ].
A study published in The National Library of Medicine, reveals that ingesting coffee between a half-hour and four hours before a meal can help suppress “acute energy intake,” also known as calorie intake.
Another study published in the journal Obesity [ 2 ] mentioned how coffee can “effectively reduce energy intake in the following meal and in the total day.”
“Life Happens. Coffee Helps”- Pinterest♥️☕
Here’s a short coffee experiment by Dr. Bob Arnot (former NBC medical correspondent):
Dr. Arnot experimented with coffee to reap the benefits. He found that coffee can detox and provides boosting antioxidants. Dr. Arnot’s coffee cleanse can treat eczema and type 2 diabetes while you can lose 50 pounds in 50 days!”
Surgeons Use Coffee as Fatigue Risk Management!” -Blog Transonic.
Included in its fatigue risk management system outline, a hospital recommends doctors consume 400 mg of caffeine, the equivalent of six cups of coffee, during their shifts.
10 out of 10 medical professionals feel energized (and happier!) when they drink coffee.
coffee also makes you happy!
Remember the guy at work who was happy when he had his morning coffee? Now I can understand why!
Dr. Gary Wenk in Psychology Today [ 3 ] says “Dopamine produces the euphoria and pleasant feelings that people often associate with their first cup of coffee in the morning.”
But here’s something funny:
“One of my students decided to test the effects of caffeine on his chronic sleepiness by ingesting a packet of instant coffee, right out of the box…
He reported that he enjoyed eating this paper packet of ground coffee so much that he decided to finish off the entire container of 32 packets…
But going back to why coffee makes you happy:
Just the aroma of coffee reduces stress levels [ 4 ].
Coffee increases your energy levels [ 5 ].
Coffee reduces depression [ 6 ].
This guy and his loyal raccoon friend know the secret of happiness: coffee.
and coffee can help you live longer!
Coffee can help you lose weight, be happy, AND live longer? I’m going to Starbucks right now! In the New England Journal of Medicine, a study [ 7 ] published something interesting: older adults who drank coffee had a lower risk of dying from diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, and other medical complications than non-coffee drinkers.
“I think the evidence is pretty substantial now; coffee is beneficial,” says Dr. Eric Rimm, associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
In the same study:
With a coffee intake of 4–5 cups per day, men and women had a 12% and 16 % reduced risk of early death.
Also, moderate coffee consumption of just one cup per day was associated with a 5–6% lowered risk of early death.
Coffee drinkers were less likely to die from infections, injuries, accidents, respiratory disease, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.
in summary: we love coffee!
Coffee can help us lose weight, be happy, and live longer lives. Hopkins Medicine [ 8 ] says you’re less likely to develop heart failure and Parkinson’s disease, your DNA will be stronger, and you’re not as likely to suffer a stroke.
let’s celebrate with a cup of coffee in the try magenta community.
What’s your favorite coffee recipe of all time? Let us know in the comments below!
This is crazy!